Saturday, February 2, 2013


Hi, invisible readers! Before I take up today's subject, I'd like to share with you a feeling that is becoming a bit annoying while I'm writing here in my blog: someone is really supposed to read this, right? I mean, I feel like I was talking alone. It's something to worry about, isn't it? We're in the XXI century, I'm young (even if you don't believe it), and I'm doubting that someone in the whole wide world will bother to get into my blog and read at least one of the posts. Well, I'm just a beginner. But as I'm not sticking in just one subject, there may be some interesting for you too. That makes me feel a bit more confident.

And now, here's today's subject: music. Although it's the first one, it doesn't mean it's the most important for me. But take just one look around and you'll see it: music is everywhere; it's in the air (like love, as the song says). Even now, while I'm writing, I'm listening to music. Moreover, I haven't still met a person who doesn't like any kind of music, because there is a kind of music for every kind of person. And music describes your character, it tells the others things about yourself, even if you don't want them to, because music is part of the human being. It is defined as an art form whose medium is sound and silence (check it out in wikipedia if you like), but apart from art, it has also a lot to do with science. For example, it is studied in cognitive neuroscience. Did you know that when you're listening to your favorite music, your brain is releasing the same chemicals in the same anatomical zones as when you take up drugs? And there are even more sciences related to music: music psychology, psychoacoustics, biomusicology... In consequence you come to think: how strange can actually be something that is so close to us? We don't realize it, but there are many things around us which are much more than what we see. For example, when you're using a computer, are you thinking about how it really works? Of course not, unless you're a computer expert. And music is much closer to us than a computer; it can express our emotions, create them inside us, or even heal us when we're hurt. It can unite people but also divide us. It’s very powerful. Maybe money moves the world, but music does too.

And what can I say about my favorite kind of music? I don’t have one. But I do have a favorite group, which is not exactly the same because I listen to a lot of other things apart from its music. But I can identify myself completely with my favorite group’s music. That group is the unique and irreplaceable Owl City, ergo, Adam Young. I’m so indebted with that guy! At least two of my stories started thanks to his songs, because while I’m listening to them, millions of images pass dancing through my mind.

By now I’m sure that you know me much better, and just because I’ve said my favorite group is Owl City (if you know Owl City, of course). I think Owl City fans are more or less the same type of people. We must like things "bright and beautiful” (like the sky, rainbows, angels, saltwater rooms, snow, summer, stars, fireflies, twilights…), and we usually have lots of imagination. That way we can catch all the images Adam Young turns into music, and see them inside our minds. Also, we like the night; I think that it doesn’t bother us to stay up late. At least, that’s how I see Owl City.

Well, I’m running out of time, but here I leave you a video in case you don’t know Owl City. It’s one of my favorite songs, and the first I heard from him.

In the next post I’ll talk more about Owl City; I think Adam Young deserves more publicity. >.<

See you! (Well, not actually.)

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